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Game Flash Pc Terbaru Windows 7 32 Bit

вторник 08 января admin 85
Game Flash Pc Terbaru Windows 7 32 Bit Rating: 6,3/10 1485 votes

I recently upgraded to Windows 7/64 bit and of course I'm having issues with Adobe Flash Player. When I was running Vista on the same system prior to Windows 7, IE worked and flash worked therefore I was probably running IE 32. When I try to execute IE 32 bit on Windows 7 64 bit, the 'circle/hour glass' appears and the goes away immediately with the IE 32 bit screen not displaying. IE 64 bit does work except for any pages that need the flash player. I have read many answers that say this should work until Adobe releases the 64 bit product. I can't determine what is going on. Hi clem3333, My first suggestion would be to uninstall the present flash player if you have one, from the link below; Once you are done with uninstalling the flash player, reinstall the same from the link below; Make sure you try these on the 32 bit browser.

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Also you might want to run the Internet Explorer in No- Add on mode and see if that makes any difference as some users claims to have experienced the same issue due to some Add-ons. To determine whether the error is caused by an add-on, run Internet Explorer in ' No Add-Ons' mode. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Click Start, and then type Internet Explorer in the Start Search box. Click Internet Explorer (No Add-Ons). Internet Explorer opens without add-ons, toolbars, or plug-ins.

Test Internet Explorer to verify that it works correctly. If it works fine then it might be some Add-Ons causing the freezing of the Internet Explorer. Follow the method below to fix the issue.

Step 2: Use the Manage Add-ons tool to determine which add-on is causing the issue Use the Manage Add-ons tool in Internet Explorer to individually disable each add-on to determine which add-on is causing errors. To do this, follow these steps: Internet Explorer 8 1. Open Internet Explorer 8. Click Tools, and then click Manage Add-ons. On the Show drop-down menu, select All add-ons to display all add-ons that are installed on the computer. For each item in this list, select the add-on, and then click Disable in the Information window.

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When you have disabled all the items in this list, click OK. Exit and then restart Internet Explorer. If issues do not reoccur, repeat steps 1 through 3. Click Enable for a single add-on. Repeat steps 6 through 8 until you determine which add-on causes errors to occur.


After you have used this process to determine which add-on is causing errors, you can disable that add-on. Or, you can uninstall the software that installs the add-on. We also recommend that you contact the software vendor that provided the add-on for additional troubleshooting and support. For more information on the above steps you may access the link below. Let me know if that fixed the issue. Varun J: MICROSOFT SUPPORT Visit our Microsoft Answers Feedback Forum and let us know what you think If this post helps to resolve your issue, please click the 'Mark as Answer' or 'Helpful' button at the top of this message. By marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others find the answer faster.