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X Plane 10 Airbus A380 For Fsx Steam

вторник 20 ноября admin 64
X Plane 10 Airbus A380 For Fsx Steam Rating: 7,8/10 2864 votes

Flight Simulator X. Flight Simulator X: Steam. Product information 'Airbus A350 XWB Advanced'. Airbus A350/A380 unique “touch screen” interfaces with. Article number: AS13545; Publisher:; Developer: FlightFactor; Language: English; Current version: 1.5.0 BETA. Description Version.

Can't work out what's going wrong with this, but the plane seems to have a mind of its own, steering into the ground, flying in circles, just flying off or suddenly climbing to 16,000ft and the like on approach? Must be something I'm overlooking, but can't work out what it is? Did one ILS landing, but the rest have been disastrous. I've got my AP and Autothrottle on, I'm set to Nav with the correct frequency in Nav 1 and all the beeping noises, with LOC on so it connects with the ILS?

Can't think of anything I'm missing from that list? Do I need the heading hold on or off? Which heading goes in the HDG bit and which in the CRS? I can see two headings, maybe I've mixed them up? Thanks for yourt help. Lee, you don't need the HDG indicator on for an ILS approach, but you do need to have the runway heading entered in the CRS.

If the rwy you're landing on has a Glideslope, once the GS 'bug' starts trending downward, press the APP (approach) button so that your airplane will automatically descend at the proper final aapproach angle. If you're doing a LOC or GPS approach you have to manually adjust your descent primarily with power settings and secondarily with pitch for a roughly 3 degree angle to the rwy. When performing an ILS approach, be sure that you intercept the ILS signal at or *below* 3000 ft AGL (above ground level) and use airspeed (primarily) to keep the GS bug centered. I hope this helps.:-) APUtech.

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Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes, that helps. Okay, well the runway heading might've been the problem then? Where, exactly, do I find that?

I can see two ILS headings when I click on the airport on the map, but not sure if it's one of those or another heading? Think I have been above 3,000ft a few times, but not the last time and it still went wrong? So do I basically need to line it up myself then press the APP? All the tutorials I've seen have had the plane turning itself 90-odd degrees and lining itself up? You're very welcome, lee! You can intercept the ILS signal at up to 45 deg or less preferably no less than about 10nm from the airport, but a straight-line intercept works too.

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I usually get lined up (terrain permitting) as far out as 20nm from the airport, but make sure that I'm at about 3000ft within 10nm of the airport at about 210kts, slowing to final aproach speed (roughly 140--160kts, depending on the jet's recommended approach speed) at 4-6 nm from the runway threshold. I already have my CRS set to the rwy's magnetic heading, my NAV 1 set to the rwy frequency, and if I've been navigating via GPS, switch it off (usually) between 10-15 nm out, so that the Nav 1 radio can track and align itself with the rwy.

Double-check that the NAV/LOC button is *on* in your AP. If you need the rwy's ILS NAV 1 frequency and rwy's magnetic heading that you set your course to, one way is to go to the map, and click on your desired airport. You'll be shown the rwys' headings, surface type, length, and corresponding ILS frequencies and their rwy magnetic headings. Another way is by using the GPS; that method is a bit lengthy to explain, though. If you're familiar with default Garmin GPS you'll discover how to get rwy frequency information by fiddling with it or by reading about its use in the Learning Center. Remember to press the APP button *only* when the GlideSlope bug starts trending downward. If I left anything out, please let me know; maybe another pilot will chime in with their sugestions.:-) APUtech.

I don't know much about the default airbus (I normally tinker around with the aerosoft version), but the concepts should be relatively the same. You tune in the runway's localizer frequency and course, and then need to intercept the localiser beam at a certain angle. APUtech is pretty close in describing how to approach. You want to cut in at about 45 degrees (usually 30 works nicely), and about 10 miles out. 2500 feet above field elevation generally works splended, but if you want to be right on your descent profile, you should be about 3000 feet at 10 miles. If you have default ATC on, you will normally be 'vectored'/directed on intercepting the ILS localizer, provided one exists at the airport and runway you are landing on.

Basically, what is supposed to happen is that you will cut in on the approach path at an angle, and below the glide slope. Your localiser (tells you your horizontal deviation from runway track) should come in first, and then the glide slope bug should come down after that. After that, you fly the needles down towards the runway.